Results May Vary

Maundy Thursday. Of all days to give an update that includes Happy Anniversary (folks), Happy Birthday (Mom) and discouragement (mine). Actually, that should say disappointment, as someone recently stated that disappointment happens to us all, but discouragement is a choice.

And David was greatly distressed; … but David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”

I Sam 30:6

I realize the situation this quote comes from was quite different. David & company had gone to battle with Achish and David was told, “go back, the other leaders don’t want you here.” When they went back, they found the town burned to the ground and all their people and things had been taken. The men were making noises about killing David because of the situation. We have the advantage of reading the rest of the chapter and several more. Spoiler alert, David & company retrieved all the people and plunder.

Before that, the immediate action was to cry themselves to exhaustion. Then David turned to God and renewed his strength in that Divine relationship. We can all pull that little nugget out of context and apply it liberally to whatever we’ve got going on. (I don’t recommend this for all scriptures.)

My trouble isn’t nearly as dire. There is a housefire in the story, but all people, pets, and primary structures are intact. ((And it was somebody else’s house.)) PSA: check your outlets, wires, and connections every now and then, lest your story end differently.

More good news: mom’s heart and physical strength are fine, she’s doing quite well for a lady of 75. My cataract surgery went great and I’m healing well. I can see to drive at night again; long distance still requires glasses as I knew it would, the “wavy black lace” vision is gone, and there’s only one little spot that looks like a gnat. I’ll take it. There’s a bit of blurriness today, but not enough to worry over just yet. Dad is in another medical adventure. Recent testing suggests more testing, and we’ll know more after the doctors do.

On the positive side for the ministry, the team is going to the Deaf Missions Conference in Texas next week. Although I have tickets to go, my presence isn’t critical. The team has all well in hand, the group of parents working with us is growing nicely, and the display booth will be non-tech. It can pretty much fend for itself as long as the materials and a representative or two remains handy. If schedules collide, as they have since the summer of ’22, it’s not disastrous. (But disappointing for me.)

In a recent update, I identified three primary barriers in a hearing household with a deaf or hard-of-hearing child. One, pride, is completely beyond our ability to impact. The second, ignorance (as in lack of awareness), is the one Deaf Kids Connect is seeking to break down next. I’m thankful for the people that are stepping up to invest themselves in this area. The third, absence of resources, is more on my heart, but we simply don’t have the skills or finances to build them. In order to make an acronym work, I can add a fourth, “zz,” people who are asleep, as deaf & hard-of-hearing children simply aren’t on their radar. Pride, Ignorance, ZZ, & Absence together make P.I.ZZ.A. ((It’s a work in progress.))

I’ve encountered people who have the ideas, skills, and desire to see both interactive and independent resources get created. The downside is that we all have alternate and overlapping priorities grabbing for time and energy. Getting scripts, quality signers & storytellers, a lighting and camera crew, video editors, audio technicians & appropriate voices, and detail-oriented captioners in the right places at the right times isn’t exactly fast, easy, nor inexpensive. I’d love it if we could all volunteer, or extend sweat-equity in trade for dividends later, but that strategy has a lot more faith than sight, and maybe a bit of presumption. I’d love it if there were somehow a ministry windfall that lets Deaf Kids Connect support two primary departments: one focused on parents interacting with their children and the other focused on resources for educating children with or without a parent’s immediate focus. I’ll borrow a line from our local radio station and say, that’s “news to pray for.”

Another PSA, and the source of this article’s picture… if you’re going to console yourself with chocolate-dipped cookies, apparently they should cool on wax paper. The plate didn’t work as expected.

But David (and Janeen) encouraged himself (and herself) in the Lord. Do you need to put your name in that sentence?? Many do.

As we consider the Last Supper, Good Friday, and Resurrection Sunday this weekend, I’d like to point you to some favorite posts:

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